To get started, let's install Express, a Node.js HTTP server framework:
- npm install express —-save
- npm install body-parser --save
Since each SimpleDB itemName needs to be unique, we can auto-generate a new itemName for each newly created item. We’re going to use the cuid module, which is a lightweight way to generate unique identifiers.
- npm install cuid --save
- [
- { "Name" : "attribute1", "Value" : "value1" },
- { "Name" : "attribute1", "Value" : "value2" },
- { "Name" : "attribute2", "Value" : "value3" },
- { "Name" : "attribute3", "Value" : "value4" }
- ]
- {
- "attribute1" : ["value1","value2"],
- "attribute2" : ["value3","value4"]
- }
- var
- aws = require('aws-sdk'),
- bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
- cuid = require('cuid'),
- express = require('express'),
- sdbDomain = 'sdb-rest-tut',
- app = express(),
- simpledb;
- aws.config.loadFromPath(process.env['HOME'] + '/aws.credentials.json');
- simpledb = new aws.SimpleDB({
- region : 'US-East',
- endpoint : ''
- });
- //create
- '/inventory',
- bodyParser.json(),
- function(req,res,next) {
- var
- sdbAttributes = [],
- newItemName = cuid();
- //start with:
- /*
- { attributeN : ['value1','value2',..'valueN'] }
- */
- Object.keys(req.body).forEach(function(anAttributeName) {
- req.body[anAttributeName].forEach(function(aValue) {
- sdbAttributes.push({
- Name : anAttributeName,
- Value : aValue
- });
- });
- });
- //end up with:
- /*
- [
- { Name : 'attributeN', Value : 'value1' },
- { Name : 'attributeN', Value : 'value2' },
- ...
- { Name : 'attributeN', Value : 'valueN' },
- ]
- */
- simpledb.putAttributes({
- DomainName : sdbDomain,
- ItemName : newItemName,
- Attributes : sdbAttributes
- }, function(err,awsResp) {
- if (err) {
- next(err); //server error to user
- } else {
- res.send({
- itemName : newItemName
- });
- }
- });
- }
- );
- app.listen(3000, function () {
- console.log('SimpleDB-powered REST server started.');
- });
- curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"pets" : ["dog","cat"], "cars" : ["saab"]}' http://localhost:3000/inventory
-H Add a line to the HTTP heading
-X Define which verb will be used
-d Data to be sent in the HTTP request body
After running the command, you'll see a JSON response with your newly created itemName or ID. If you switch over to SdbNavigator, you should see the new data when you query all the items.
Now let’s build a basic function to read an item from SimpleDB. For this, we don’t need to perform a query since we’ll be getting the itemName or ID from the path of the request. We can perform a getAttributes request with that itemName or ID.
If we stopped here, we would have a functional but not very friendly form of our data. Let’s transform the Name/Value array into the same form we’re using to accept data (attribute : array of values). To accomplish this, we will need to go through each name/value pair and add it to a new array for each unique name.
Finally, let’s add the itemName and return the results.
- //Read
- app.get('/inventory/:itemID', function(req,res,next) {
- simpledb.getAttributes({
- DomainName : sdbDomain,
- ItemName : req.params.itemID //this gets the value from :itemID in the path
- }, function(err,awsResp) {
- var
- attributes = {};
- if (err) {
- next(err); //server error to users
- } else {
- awsResp.Attributes.forEach(function(aPair) {
- // if this is the first time we are seeing the aPair.Name, let's add it to the response object, attributes as an array
- if (!attributes[aPair.Name]) {
- attributes[aPair.Name] = [];
- }
- //push the value into the correct array
- attributes[aPair.Name].push(aPair.Value);
- });
- res.send({
- itemName : req.params.itemID,
- inventory : attributes
- });
- }
- });
- });
- curl -D- http://localhost:3000/inventory/[cuid]
Another aspect of REST is to use your response codes meaningfully. In the current example, if you supply a non-existent ID to curl, the above server will crash because you’re trying to forEach a non-existent array. We need to account for this and return a meaningful HTTP response code indicating that the item was not found.
To prevent the error, we should test for the existence of the variable awsResp.Attributes. If it doesn’t exist, let’s set the status code to 404 and end the http request. If it exists, then we can serve the response with attributes.
- app.get('/inventory/:itemID', function(req,res,next) {
- simpledb.getAttributes({
- DomainName : sdbDomain,
- ItemName : req.params.itemID
- }, function(err,awsResp) {
- var
- attributes = {};
- if (err) {
- next(err);
- } else {
- if (!awsResp.Attributes) {
- //set the status response to 404 because we didn't find any attributes then end it
- res.status(404).end();
- } else {
- awsResp.Attributes.forEach(function(aPair) {
- if (!attributes[aPair.Name]) {
- attributes[aPair.Name] = [];
- }
- attributes[aPair.Name].push(aPair.Value);
- });
- res.send({
- itemName : req.params.itemID,
- inventory : attributes
- });
- }
- }
- });
- });
Now that we know how to use status to change the value, we should also update how we are responding to a POST/create. While the 200 response is technically correct as it means ‘OK’, a more insightful response code would be 201, which indicates ‘created’. To make this change, we’ll add it in the status method before sending.
- res
- .status(201)
- .send({
- itemName : newItemName
- });
Update is usually the most difficult operation for any system, and this REST server is no exception.
The nature of SimpleDB makes this operation a little more challenging as well. In the case of a REST server, an update is where you are replacing the entire piece of stored data; SimpleDB on the other hand, represents individual attribute/value pairs under an itemName.
To allow for an update to represent a single piece of data rather than a collection of name/value pairs, we need to define a schema for the purposes of our code (even though SimpleDB doesn’t need one). Don’t worry if this is unclear right now—keep reading and I’ll illustrate the requirement.
Compared to many other database systems, our schema will be very simple: just a defined array of attributes. For our example, we have four fields we are concerned with: pets, cars, furniture, and phones:
- schema = ['pets','cars','furniture','phones'],
- {
- "itemName": "cil89uvnm00011ma2fykmy79c",
- "inventory": {
- "cars": [],
- "pets": [
- "cat",
- "dog"
- ]
- }
- }
- Put an attribute pet with a value to cat.
- Put an attribute pet with a value to dog.
- Delete attributes for cars.
- Delete attributes for phones.
- Delete attributes for furniture.
- function attributeObjectToAttributeValuePairs(attrObj, replace) {
- var
- sdbAttributes = [];
- Object.keys(attrObj).forEach(function(anAttributeName) {
- attrObj[anAttributeName].forEach(function(aValue) {
- sdbAttributes.push({
- Name : anAttributeName,
- Value : aValue,
- Replace : replace //if true, then SimpleDB will overwrite rather than append more values to an attribute
- });
- });
- });
- return sdbAttributes;
- }
We will add an attribute called created and set the value to 1. With SimpleDB, there is limited ability to check if an item exists prior to adding attributes and values. On every putAttributes request you can check for the value and existence of a single attribute—in our case, we’ll use created and check for a value of 1. While this may seem like a strange workaround, it provides a very important safety to prevent the update operation from being able to create new items with an arbitrary ID.
- newAttributes.push({
- Name : 'created',
- Value : '1'
- });
- npm install async —-save
- app.put(
- '/inventory/:itemID',
- bodyParser.json(),
- function(req,res,next) {
- var
- updateValues = {},
- deleteValues = [];
- schema.forEach(function(anAttribute) {
- if ((!req.body[anAttribute]) || (req.body[anAttribute].length === 0)) {
- deleteValues.push({ Name : anAttribute});
- } else {
- updateValues[anAttribute] = req.body[anAttribute];
- }
- });
- async.parallel([
- function(cb) {
- //update anything that is present
- simpledb.putAttributes({
- DomainName : sdbDomain,
- ItemName : req.params.itemID,
- Attributes : attributeObjectToAttributeValuePairs(updateValues,true),
- Expected : {
- Name : 'created',
- Value : '1',
- Exists : true
- }
- },
- cb
- );
- },
- function(cb) {
- //delete any attributes that not present
- simpledb.deleteAttributes({
- DomainName : sdbDomain,
- ItemName : req.params.itemID,
- Attributes : deleteValues
- },
- cb
- );
- }
- ],
- function(err) {
- if (err) {
- next(err);
- } else {
- res.status(200).end();
- }
- }
- );
- }
- );
- curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"pets" : ["dog"] }' http://localhost:3000/inventory/[cuid]
SimpleDB has no concept of an item deletion, but it can deleteAttributes, as mentioned above. To delete an item, we’ll need to delete all the attributes and the ‘item' will cease to be.
Since we’ve defined a list of attributes in our schema, we’ll use the deleteAttributes call to remove all of those attributes as well as the created attribute. As per our plan, this operation will be at the same path as Update, but using the verb delete.
- app.delete(
- '/inventory/:itemID',
- function(req,res,next) {
- var
- attributesToDelete;
- attributesToDelete ={
- return { Name : anAttribute };
- });
- attributesToDelete.push({ Name : 'created' });
- simpledb.deleteAttributes({
- DomainName : sdbDomain,
- ItemName : req.params.itemID,
- Attributes : attributesToDelete
- },
- function(err) {
- if (err) {
- next(err);
- } else {
- res.status(200).end();
- }
- }
- );
- }
- );
Rounding out our REST verbs is list. To achieve the list operation, we’re going to use the select command and the SQL-like query language. Our list function will be barebones, but will serve as a good basis for more complex retrieval later on. We’re going to make a very simple query:
- select * from `sdb-rest-tut` limit 100
function attributeValuePairsToAttributeObject(pairs) {
- var
- attributes = {};
- pairs
- .filter(function(aPair) {
- return aPair.Name !== 'created';
- })
- .forEach(function(aPair) {
- if (!attributes[aPair.Name]) {
- attributes[aPair.Name] = [];
- }
- attributes[aPair.Name].push(aPair.Value);
- });
- return attributes;
- }
To simplify this response, let’s return everything in a single object. First, we’ll convert the attribute/value pairs into an attribute/value array as we did in the read/get operation, and then we can add the itemName as the property ID.
- app.get(
- '/inventory',
- function(req,res,next) {
- SelectExpression : 'select * from `sdb-rest-tut` limit 100'
- },
- function(err,awsResp) {
- var
- items = [];
- if (err) {
- next(err);
- } else {
- items = {
- var
- anItem;
- anItem = attributeValuePairsToAttributeObject(anAwsItem.Attributes);
- = anAwsItem.Name;
- return anItem;
- });
- res.send(items);
- }
- });
- }
- );
- curl -D- -X GET http://localhost:3000/inventory
Validation is whole a subject of its own, but with the code we’ve already written, we have a start for a simple validation system.
For now, all we want to make sure is that a user can’t submit anything but what is in the schema. Looking back at the code that was written for update/put, forEach over the schema will prevent any unauthorized attributes from being added, so we really just need to apply something similar to our create/post operation. In this case, we will filter the attribute/value pairs, eliminating any non-schema attributes.
- newAttributes = newAttributes.filter(function(anAttribute) {
- return schema.indexOf(anAttribute.Name) !== -1;
- });
Next Steps
With the code outlined in this article, you have all the operations needed to store, read and modify data, but this is only the start of your journey. In most cases, you’ll need to start thinking about the following topics:
- Authentication
- Pagination
- Complex list/query operations
- Additional output formats (xml, csv, etc.)
Written by Kyle Davis
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